This was our first hackathon focusing on quantum games, quantum finance, quantum machine learning, quantum cryptography and cyber security. The event aimed to bring together people who are interested in developing quantum programming and want to meet this field through project-based learning.


You can read a blog post about the hackathon from here.

Jury Members


Serdar Alemdar (ODTÜ Teknokent Genel Müdürü)

Hakan Kızıltoprak (TOBB Başkanlık Özel Müşaviri ve Türkiye CERN Sanayi İrtibat Temsilcisi)

Ali Osman Çıbıkdiken (NEÜ Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi)

Elif Sürer (ODTÜ Oyun Teknolojileri Programı Öğretim Üyesi)

Ahmet Çevik (Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi Öğretim Üyesi)



Award Winners


You can check out the project details from “Kuantum Programlama Uygulamaları Sonuç Kitapçığı”. You can access the github repo of the hackathon here.


1’st Place : Teleportation with Quantum Scrambling

Group Members
1- Erdi Acar
2- Sabri Gündüz
3- İlknur Tepe

2’nd Place: QPID (Kuantum Bilgisayar ile PID Optimizasyonu)

Group Members
1- Saffet Bulut
2- Fethi Batıncan Gürbüz
3- Emre Ummak
4- Yaşar Kurt

3’rd Place: Kuantum Anahtar Dağıtımı: Bir Giriş

Group Members
1- Ali Kutlu Durşen
2- Yusuf Behzat

Mansion: Optimization of Binary Linear Systems with Quantum Circuits

Group Members
1- Mustafa Yıldız
2- H. Mert Çelik
3- Çağrı Şakiroğulları
4- Engin Karaman

Best Mobile Application Award: QBrick

Group Members
1- Ahmet Ataşoğlu
2- Muhammed Mansur Kavak

QWorld Best Visuals Award: Kuantum Jack

Group Members
1- Cantekin Çelikhası
2- Zeliha Bektaş
3- Mustafa Selim Özen
4- Muhsin Akdoğan

QTurkey Best Educational Material Award: Quantum Othello

Group Members
1- Ekrem Bal
2- Mehmet Başaran

QTurkey Best Educaitonal Material Award: Q PATİKA

Group Members
1- Sait Ramazan Gül
2- Hasan Güzelmansur
3- Esat Yener
