QPrep Preparation for Quantum Programming Workshops

 QPrep is a series of workshops where the requirements for learning quantum programming are covered.In this training, which aims to prepare the participants for QBronze or an equivalent training, the introductory part of the Bronze material (Python Review, Basic Math) is covered.


As of November 25, we have completed this event for the first time.

Online, 12-14 July 202142
Online, 22-25 November 20211846332
Online, 4-7 April 20221533621
Online, 26-29 July 202224210345
Online, 2-5 October 202230811253
Online, 27-30 January 2023833419
Online, 2-3-4 September 20231304928
Sabanci University, 13-14 December 20232182
Sakarya University, 13-14 November 202430269

QBronze Introduction to Quantum Programming Workshops

QBronze is our introductory level workshop series using the Qiskit framework provided by IBM. It covers the basic concepts of quantum programming and computing. We use the Bronze material prepared by QWorld in our workshops.


The workshop content includes:

  • Basics of classical systems (Probabilistic bits, coin-flipping, biased coins, probabilistic states, and probabilistic operators)
  • Basics of quantum systems (Quantum programs as circuits: registers, gates, measurements, execution, and reading the outcomes, quantum state and operators)
  • Quantum operators on a quantum bit
  • Entanglement and basics quantum protocols
  • Grover’s Search algorithm

By December 3, we have organized 17 workshops and handed out 563 diplomas. 

Ankara, 3-4-5 May1493316
İstanbul, 19-20-21 July280227
Ankara, 2-3-4 August602111
Ankara, 20-21-22 September101166
İstanbul, 4-5-6 October120194
Konya, 9-10-11 November513012
İstanbul, 6-7-8 December2073612
Ankara, 22-23 Feb 2020156205
İstanbul, 7-8 March 2020761616
Online, 2-3-9-10 May 2020111134
Online, 28 Sept – Oct 2 20202898826
Online, 16-21 Nov 20202505017
Online, 8-13 March 20211523429
Online, 8-13 March 20211554116
Online, 26 April – May 1 20211905620
Online, 28 June – July 11 202163248
Online, 29 November – December 3 20212244420
Konya, 15-16-17-18 February 20224983
Online, 14-22 May 20221714920
Online, 1-12 August 20221556429
Online, 5-9 September 20221203611
Online, 10-17 October 20221104717
Online, 19-20 / 26-27 November 202232010135
Online, 25-26 February & 4-5 March 2023842912
Online, 22-23 / 29-30 July 20231823513
Online, 14-15-16 / 21-22 October 20231203418
Konya, 2-3 December 20232641
Online, 18-21 December 20233104114
Online, 7-8 / 10-11 October 20242898536
Bogazici & Sabanci University, 14-15 December1074317

QNickel Workshops

QNickel is QWorld’s elementary level workshop series on quantum computing and programming focusing on oracular quantum algorithms.

Nickel consists of two introductory notebooks to review the basic primitives of the two quantum programming frameworks, Cirq and Qiskit and the main notebooks in which the simulation of classical gates and oracular algorithms are discussed.

Material we use in the workshops : https://gitlab.com/qworld/nickel

Online, 13-17 December 202167163
Online, 6-11 November 2022932210
Online, 8-10/15-17 December 2023212152
Online, 19-25 February 202465209

QSilver Workshops

QSilver is QWorld’s intermediate level workshop series on quantum computing and programming focusing on complex numbers, QFT and Shor’s Algorithm created in October 2020.

QSilver consists of two introductory notebooks to review the basic primitives of the two quantum programming frameworks, Cirq and Qiskit and the main notebooks in which QFT and Shor’s algorithm are introduced.

Gitlab repository for Silver: https://gitlab.com/qworld/silver


Online, 13-17 December 202179150
Online, 5-10 June 202251148
Online, 12-16 September 2022923312
Online, 11-16 December 2022613015
Online, 29 January – 2 February 202444208

Q# Workshops

Q# is a quantum programming language developed by Microsoft, partly modeled after C#. In collaboration with Microsoft Turkey, Microsoft Quantum, and Global Shapers Community Ankara Hub we have organized a trainers training workshop with the Microsoft Quantum team in Seattle, and the participants of that workshop later organized their own workshops in Turkey. 

Nine Q# workshops were organized between 20th of Feb – 30th of May. 159 participants completed the workshops (which required completion of homework assignments and attending the lectures). In total, 10 instructors completed the “Trainers Training” program by successfully running their own workshops using the Q# material.

Online, 20-21 Feb 2021146
Online, 15-18 Mar 2021269
Online, 29 Mar – 1 Apr 2021207
Online, 3 – 4 Apr 202162
Online, 15-18 Apr 20213011
Online, 3-6 May 2021113
Online, 9-12 May 2021126
Online, 20-23 May 2021125
Online, 27-30 May 2021287