As QTurkey, we have decided to launch the QTurkey Student Branches (QTurkey University Representation) in order to strengthen our relations with university students, to include more undergraduate students in the field of quantum technologies and to make the field widespread.
What does QSB do?
It organizes educational and promotional activities such as speeches, workshops, and training at the university where it is located, and supports the participation of new members. It works in cooperation with QTurkey and takes part in QTurkey events. It helps to ensure interaction between different communities by meeting with QTurkey student representatives at other universities.
How to become a QSB?
You can apply for the establishment of the QTurkey Student Branch by bringing together 4 undergraduate/master’s/doctoral students from at least two different departments and a consultant educator. In addition, you need to create and send an intent calendar for the 6-month period after its establishment (You can browse previous QSB events at Not all members need to be experienced or knowledgeable about quantum technologies. Anyone who can provide support in different areas such as organization, design, software and who is willing to build a community can be on the team.
These 4 people will become founding members and will encourage the participation of new members after the QTurkey Student Branch is established. It is preferred that at least 1 member has participated in the Bronze workshop before and completed it.
Why QSB?
QTurkey is the first quantum technologies community in Turkey. As an active sub-branch of QTurkey Student Branch, you can also join us and be a part of this new and exciting field while performing the firsts in Turkey together.
QTurkey is also one of the members of the QWorld community, active in twenty-five different countries. By joining the QTurkey network, you will have the opportunity to meet different researchers and interested people from around the world working in this field.
What Are Our Expectations ?
For the continuity of QTurkey Student Branch, we expect you to organize an event within the first 6 months after it is established. This can be a lecture, a workshop, or a working group. You can get support from us about the speaker.
We expect at least 2 of your members from the team to take active roles under QTurkey.
In case a mentor training program is organized by QTurkey, we expect at least 2 of your members to participate in this program.
How Can You Apply ?
You can apply for the establishment of the QTurkey Student Branch by bringing together 4 undergraduate/master’s/doctoral students from at least two different departments and a consultant educator. In addition, you need to create and send an intent calendar for the 6-month period after its establishment (You can browse previous QSB events at
These 4 people will become founding members and will encourage the participation of new members after the QTurkey Student Branch is established. It is preferred that at least 1 member has participated in the Bronze workshop before and completed it.
A member must be elected as a representative and coordinate with QTurkey.
The Application Form must contain the following information:
- QTurkey Student Branch name (For example QSB Boğaziçi)
- Team representative
- Team members name / department / class / e-mail address
- For each team member, a self-introduction letter of 1-2 sentences explaining the motivation of the team member.
- 6 month intent calendar (A calendar that includes the events and projects you plan to organize)
The Application Form should be sent to If the application is positive, the team will be asked to obtain an e-mail address and a logo will be prepared for the team.
QSBs established in universities
Quantum METU is a QTurkey student body established at METU that aims to accelerate the flow of information by bringing together people who are interested or have the potential to be interested in the field of quantum technologies.
Quantum METU was founded on December 9, 2020 by 7 founding members:
- Doğuş Köse / Physics
- Furkan Eşref Yazıcı / Physics
- Hamza Can Korhan / Physics
- Kubilay Aytemiz / Physics
- Yağmur Akkoyun / Physics
- Bartu Yaman / Physics
Since our establishment, we have been working together to gain knowledge in the field of quantum technologies with organizations such as many events, workshops and study groups, to guide people with different levels of knowledge who want to train themselves in this field, and to improve ourselves in this field.
As of 2024, Hatice Boyar / Physics has taken on the role of the coordinator to lead and enhance our efforts in quantum technologies.
If you would like to take part in this environment where every METU student who wants to improve himself in the field of quantum technologies can find endless support, we would be happy to see you among us.
If you are wondering what we are doing, what we are trying to do, you can follow us via the social media accounts in the links below and join us by filling out the membership form!
Membership Form:
Quantum IZTECH is a QTurkey student branch established at Izmir Institute of Technology in order to introduce and expand the field of quantum technologies to more students.
Quantum IZTECH was founded on April 10, 2021 by 4 founding members.
- Utku Yiğit / Physics
- Onur Ercem / Physics
- Ezgi Tutar / Mathematics
- Furkan Ağlarcı / Physics
As Quantum IZTECH, our aim is to introduce quantum technologies in our school and to improve ourselves in this regard. Therefore, our goal is to organize events in the field of quantum technologies.
If you are a student of Izmir Institute of Technology and want to be a part of our team, you can reach us from our social media accounts and be informed about our activities.
⟨ QSB | ÇOMÜ ⟩ kuantum teknolojileri alanını daha fazla öğrenciyi tanıtmak ve bu alanı yaygınlaştırmak amacıyla açılmış bir QTurkey öğrenci koludur.
Ekip Üyeleri:
Minel Yay |
Osman Ceylan |
Erdoğan Barış Sezen |
Tuba Can |
Neşet Ayberk Alkan |
Email :
Twitter :
⟨ QSB | KU⟩ is a QTurkey student branch opened in spring 2021 and aims to introduce Quantum Technologies to a general audience. And introduce group members to researchers that are working in quantum technologies. Our founding members:
Batuhan Arat |
Deniz Bozkurt |
Doruk Can Alyürük |
Mahir Yeşiller |
Onur Serin |
Serhat C. Kadıoğlu |
Yusuf Sarıyar |
As the QTurkey community is generally more interested in quantum computing, our group wants to introduce other quantum technologies (Such as quantum biology and quantum thermodynamics) to the community as well.
Also, Our student branch aims to have graduate level courses to be opened. In fall 2021 our petitions lead to a Quantum Biology course to be opened.
Email :
Active members:
Alp Ünlü | Physics |
Ayşenur Hancı | EEE |
Baran Berkay Hökelek | MSc Physics |
Batuhan Arat | Physics/Computer Eng. |
Dila Alpaslan | Chemical and Biological Eng. |
Hasan Tuncer | Physics/EEE |
İdil Şimşek | Physics |
Mürşide Yaylı | Physics |
Serhat C. Kadıoğlu | PhD Physics |
Rabia Nisa Kalkan | Physics |
Yusuf Sarıyar | Physics/Math. |
We are witnessing the birth of Quantum Science & Engineering, an event no less significant than the advent of the physics and engineering of electronics at the beginning of the last century.
As a QSB, bilkentquantum aims to pioneer quantum science and technologies, bringing together people from different disciplines under one roof, including other universities, to enable our country and the world to take substantial steps in this field; also organizing events such as conferences, workshops, competitions, seminars, and working groups to provide quantum programming training and guidance for those who are seeking for further academical programs since this new discipline demands new approaches to educating the rising generations of researchers who will require deep knowledge of science and engineering principles.
In all of its activities, bilkentquantum is committed to developing a shared ethical understanding, behavior, and culture of collaboration.
- Umut Yönter – n/a
- Elif Çıtakoğlu – Physics
- Zeynep Su Koç – Physics
- Berkin Uğuz – Physics
- Mustafa Oğuz Haktan – Physics
- Mehmet Salih Beşkavak – Mathematics
- M. Yusuf Taş – Industrial Engineering
- Tuna Arda Kınık – Industrial Engineering (Ms)
- Umayma Binte
- Saleem – Graphic Design + CTIS
- Şimal Yaktıyol – Fine Arts
- Can Kıvanç Özdemir – Architecture
Quantum GTU is the student branch of QTurkey at Gebze Technical University. Our aim is to introduce quantum technologies, quantum coding and quantum information to students at our university.
Team Members:
- İbrahim Orhun
- Aldemir – Physics
- Talha Bozkurt – Physics
- Emre Refah – Physics
- Yusuf Karaaytu – Physics
Quantum Marmara is a student branch of QTurkey at Marmara that aims to create a dynamical platform where emerging quantum technologies are discussed with/introduced to the community of Marmara.
- Zeliha Dursun Geçgil– Physics
- Aslı Bilge – Physics
- Beyza Demir – Physics
- Buse İnanlı – Physics
Quantum ITU known as ITU QUANTUM is a QTurkey student body established at ITU that aims to accelerate the flow of information by bringing together people who are interested or have the potential to be interested in the field of quantum technologies.
- Rana Ahsen Coşkun – Physics Engineering
- Yaman Dansık – Physics Engineering
- Zeynep Gökdemir – Physics Engineering
- Burak Uçak – Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Cemal Gökay Arzutuğ – Civil Engineering
- Mustafa Çağşak – Computer Engineering
Quantum SU is a student branch of QTurkey, founded in July 2023 by our 6 founding members with the intention of bringing together everyone who is interested in quantum technologies. Our current team members are listed as follows:
- Gözde Alan
- Sera Akyeli
We aim to bring together students with an interest in quantum technologies with instructors and mentors, organize training sessions, workshops and hackathons. We aspire to create an environment where we can learn, grow and socialize together. We additionally encourage and help students to create and contribute to the projects and to find internships.
In the 2023-2024 education year, we were pretty active with several events, such as Qiskit Fall Fest 2023, World Quantum Day, multiple QSEMINARs and much more taking place. If you want to follow our events, workshops and hackathons this academic year closely, do not forget to follow us on social media:
Youtube :
Quantum Yeditepe is a branch of QTurkey that aims to foster the knowledge on career applications, programming, fundamental aspects and many other things on Quantum Computing.
Quantum Yeditepe was re-established by Umut Kaan Özbaş in October 2023.
- Umut Kaan Özbaş- Physics&Chemical Engineering (DM) (
Current Board:
- Mürüvvet Canbolat- Physics
- Zeynep Ece Okatan- Mathematics
- Meltem Taner- Physics
- Eylül Karyelioğlu- Physics
- Berra Mete- Physics
In March 2024, a team of Yıldız Technical University students, enthusiastic about all things quantum, founded their university’s own QTurkey Student Branch (QSB). QSB aims to raise awareness and facilitate dissemination of cutting-edge quantum science and technologies research. By regularly inviting academics and experts in the quantum industry to give talks in seminars and lead interactive workshops, QSB strives to foster a thriving quantum science community and encourage collaboration among aspiring and experienced quantum science researchers.
- Beyza Alkan – Physics
- Batuhan Çakıroğlu – Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Zehra Akay – Physics
- Abdulrakeeb Alsarori – Physics
- Betül GÜL / Software Engineering
- Hayrun Nisa ÇELİK / Software Engineering
- Münevvernur ERASLAN / Software Engineering
- Ozan GÜL / Software Engineering
- Kayra Kaan KABAKÇIOĞLU / Software Engineering
- Sudenaz ALTUNTAŞ / Electrical Electronics Engineering
- Esra Çelik/ Software Engineering
Quantum OZU, which stands for Quantum Student Branch Özyeğin University, was founded on August 19, 2024, by a group of enthusiastic students and alumni. The founding members aim to familiarize students with quantum technologies, encourage collaboration with professionals in the field, and organize events such as seminars, workshops, and hackathons. The branch intends to raise awareness about quantum communication, quantum cryptography, and the broader applications of quantum technologies, fostering a community that supports both learning and innovation in this emerging field.
Consultant Educator:
- Dr. Kadir Durak
- Sefik parlak – Master Student – EEE
- Alper Özulker – Doctora Student – EEE
- Emre Yılmaz – Under Student – EEE
- Alperen Arslan – alumni – EEE
- Murat Alparslan İhtiyar – Master Student – Mechanical Engineering
- Atahan Akyüz – Master Student – EEE
Quantum Boğaziçi is a student branch of QTurkey established in Boğaziçi University in September 2024. It aims to increase the awareness about quantum technologies and organize both national and international events to contribute to the development of quantum enthusiasts from Boğaziçi University as well as encouraging anyone from quantum community to interact, learn, and improve themselves.
- Kerem Yurtseven, Electrical and Electronics Engineering & Physics
- Mustafa Yürük, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Eren Yılmaz, Industrial Engineering
- Zeynep Sude Terzioğlu, Electrical and Electronics Engineering
QSB ATAUNI is a QTurkey student branch established at Erzurum Atatürk University to conduct
studies in emerging and groundbreaking new fields in Quantum Technologies and to bring together
all students eager to work in this field.
QSB ATAUNI was founded on January 3, 2025, by 6 founding members.
Consultant Educator :
- Mesut Karabacak
Co –Founders :
- Orhan Amirov – Mathematics
- Kadir Kızılkaya – Mathematics
- Nur Sultan Yüce – Mathematics
- Ayoob Albayati – Mathematics
- Mustafa Kaya – Computer Engineer
Ceased QSBs
QSB TOBB is a QTurkey student body established at TOBB ETU that aims to accelerate the flow of information by bringing together people who are interested or have the potential to be interested in the field of quantum technologies.
Team Members:
- Metin Eren Durucan – Computer Science
- Yiğithan Kardaş – Computer Science
- Sami Berkan Akkaya – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Yağmur Üstel – Computer Science
- Osman İlge Ünaldı – Computer Science
- Kübra Yıldız – Computer Science
- Enes Sancak – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
E-mail :
Instagram :
QSB TGU, which stands for (Quantum Student Branch Turkish-German University), was founded on 10 December by 4 founding members in order to arouse more students’ interest in quantum technologies, to expand this field and to be a bridge between QTurkey Quantum Turkey and Turkish-German University. It is a student community established in 2020.
We are pleased to introduce you to our founding members and team.
Our Founding Members
- Batıkan Bora Ormancı – Computer Engineering
- Zeynep Feyza Atabey – Molecular Biotechnology
- Kardelen Sönmez – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Elif Salihoğlu – Mechatronics Engineering
Our team
- (Christian) Fatih Mehmet Yıldız – Molecular Biotechnology
- Nisa Tan – Molecular Biotechnology
- Ayşin Erboz – Molecular Biotechnology
- Ladin Şen – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Since the date of our establishment, we have been organizing events in order to popularize quantum programming, open to anyone interested in this field, especially Turkish-German University. At the same time, we develop ourselves and attend trainings together with our team.
If you are a student at Turkish-German University and you want to be a part of our team, you can join us by contacting us.
Also, if you want to be informed instantly about the events organized by QSB-TGU, you can join our discord server as a member of our community and follow us on our social media accounts!
Membership form:
Team Members:
Mustafa Tekin
Banu Büyükorhan
Barış Şahlan Özaltay
Muammer Alperen
Hikmetcan Ünsal
QSB MSGSU is a QTurkey student body established at MSGSU that aims to accelerate the flow of information by bringing together people who are interested or have the potential to be interested in the field of quantum technologies.
Team Members:
- Gizem Şen – Physics
- Sabri Efe Geridönmez – Physics
- Meryem Nalbant – Physics
- Arif Çağatay Özkan – Philosophy
Twitter :
Instagram :